I love it, easy way to teach my kids french
The games don't work. Items cannot be placed where they're needed. Such a shame.
So I can speak a little bit of French and I love this app we use it in my class all the time and it's so fun you get to customize a little raccoon character and you get to travel all over the world!
I love this app i can read French and English
It's cool
It's great for making kids how to read and listen.
This is a very good app. Good quality content. A great start for my young kids to learn how to read.
Très bon mais peut être lent pour telecharger
Gets stuck at one stage and does not allow to progress to other flags even after reading books many times over. It is frustrating my daughter.
L'inscription ne me laisse pas avancer pour un code postal invalide, quand pourtant, c'est mon vrai code postal. Très frustrant.